Are you wondering how bad weather impacts your roof?
If you’re like the rest of us, you probably experienced terrible weather in your area, and chances are it wasn’t pretty. While you may seem protected from the inside, believe it or not, weather impacts your roof in unique ways, some of which are not very good.
The next time a storm rolls around, we want you to be prepared to understand how your roof could be incurring damage due to extreme weather conditions. Today, we will share how bad weather impacts your roof and potential issues that can arise!
6 Ways Bad Weather Impacts Your Roof:

In looking at what types of weather impact your roof, it starts with the most common
1. Strong winds
Wind speeds can vary from region to region; however, any form of wind can cause damage your roof! Strong winds rip shingles, cause them to crack, and remove them altogether. Furthermore, high winds from severe storms like tornados, hurricanes, etc., can cause severe damage that often requires roof replacement.
If you live in areas prone to high winds, it may be recommended to do general maintenance more often to avoid missing anything that could become a larger issue. When it doubt, contact a roofing contractor if needed.
Note: New Certainteed Shingles are guaranteed up to 130 MPH, which is why they are the best shingle we recommend to use to avoid these situations.
2. Water and Rain damage
Water damage negatively affects your roof in many ways! Heavy rain during a severe thunderstorm or other inclement weather or even living in areas with constant rainfall will hurt your roof as pooling and the build-up of excess moisture (via pooling, etc.) can wear out your roofing material, cause leaks, and expose your roof to mold/moss/mildew.
On the other hand, if you live in areas where its warm and humid, excess moisture can build up in your attic, and without proper ventilation, it can cause leaks and water stains from the inside. Water damage is a must to solve right away!
3. Snow and Ice Damage
Snow and Ice Damage can happen quickly and rapidly. Snow buildup on your roof can add excess weight for your roof to carry, stressing its structural integrity. On the other hand, ice dams can form along the roof’s edge, which can also weaken the foundation of your gutter system.
When ice accumulates after an extended period, it can get under shingles and expand, causing loose shingles, cracks, and leaks in a seasonal thaw freeze cycle that’ll seem to never end!
To minimize damage, remove ice and snow in sight from your roof and roof’s edge and lets the professionals handle the rest.
4. Hail

Hail storms are rare, but even a 1/2 inch size hail ball can cause issues to asphalt shingles. These dents can lead to roof damage and leaks. While rare, this is possible when thunderstorms hit.
5. Extreme heat

If you live in scorching areas, your roof is likely exposed to ultraviolet rays! UV rays slowly break down your shingles, making them brittle and easily able to crack. While the heat impacting your roof’s shingles takes time, it is something to keep an eye on. Extreme heat impacts the lifespan of your roof. You probably didn’t know, but heat causes your roofing shingles to go through a cycle of expanding and contracting, which is a severe issue if proper maintenance is not done!
Keep your home properly ventilated. That way, proper airflow in your roof is ongoing and not interrupted!
6. Gutters System Problems

Gutters are not weather, but weather conditions can impact your gutters, impacting your roof!
Rain, wind, extreme heat, and snow and ice can easily influence your gutter system. While it’s natural for it to be exposed to all and keep upright, however when its overdone it can crack, loosen, and be detached altogether!
It’s always to invest in a high-quality material that can withstand extreme weather conditions. There is great coverage and water displacement so that no pooling or puddling can occur where it threatens your roof and home altogether.
How can I hire an experienced roofing contractor?
Roofing professionals that are appropriately certified and have great experience is exactly what’s needed, as your roof’s structural integrity can hang in the balance! Hiring a roofing contractor is fairly simple: Check your local roofing companies, compare and contrast pricing, verify credentials, and ask for a quote!
Without good credibility, your roof repair services can have hidden costs, subpar inspections, or even the possibility of more severe damage than before! It pays to think one step ahead of the game.
Roofing Materials

Roofing materials come in all different shapes and sizes and, therefore, require different forms of maintenance. This is where extensive expertise comes into play! While you may think you can pull off replacing missing shingles by yourself, no roofing job is a DIY job, given the inherent risks.
Similar to how your garage floor restoration might seem easy, replacing a few shingles is a lot harder than you might think. Trust your gut and get a roof inspection done to understand your situation better.
What’s the Verdict?
No matter how tough and durable your roof is at the end of the day, roof repairs will be a must at some point, and in the face of extreme weather conditions, maintenance is key! Accepting that you can’t control it when bad weather hits may be tough, but your response is your responsibility.
If you need help from a professional roofing contractor after inclement weather, call us and get a roof inspection today!